There are about 38000 book items held in the library, more than 80% of them with military, history, social and political subjects. The books were issued from 1866 until nowadays. The collection is rich in speciality writings, both Romanian and foreign, such as military rules and regulations, instructions, historiography of army branches, military encyclopaedia, military university courses. A special part is that of books of the former library of Nicolae Ceausescu. The Periodical are about 18000 items and some of them are unique in our country: Monitorul Oastei 1860-1946, Anuarul Ofiterilor armatei romane 1874-1940, newspapers of the Independence war Dorobantul and Razboiul as well as magazines of the main branches of the Romanian army: Revista Armatei, Revistele Infanteriei, Cavaleriei, Geniului, Marinei, Artileriei, Medicina Militara. There are also many foreign journals of the First and Second World War L’Illustration, Le Miroire, J’ai vu, Ilustrierte Zeitung, Tempo, Signal, Deutschland, Der Arbeit.