The engineers branch of service, a mostly technical branch and having a corps of officers and men of superior qualification, can be found within the structures of the modern army since it started to develop, in 1859, becoming as time went by more and more complex, forming several specialties or branches of service themselves. Thus, all these that were born as an advance of technical progress, where, in the beginning part of the Corps of Engineers.
Within the museum’s collection we may find several items of diverse specialties such as for building shelters and command posts and survival activities (e.g. pickaxe, rod, pole, stake, farriery knives and bag), mining and demining (e.g. fuse verification galvanometer, transistorised mine detector, antitank and anti-infantry land mines), dissimulating the defensive position, making bearable life conditions for the troops dislocated in the operations area (e.g. saw, shovels, hammers, chisels).
Within the general effort put by the Romanian troops, the engineers branch was always on the operational theatre. In any moment of the battle, whether building shelters, forcing rivers, farriering, mining or demining, rebuilding a road or railroad, the engineers and their tools were present.