Existing for as long as the museum itself, the Orders, Medals, Plaques and Badges Collection is currently the largest in Romania and it reunites over 10500 items, representing around 1400 types, grades and classes from 53 countries.
Within the Romanian Section, almost the entire array of orders and medals which ever existed is being represented, starting from “Pro Virtute Militari”, created by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza in 1860, up to the “Steaua României” (the Star of Romania), “Virtutea Militară” (Military Virtue), “Virtutea Martitimă” (Maritime Virtue), “Virtutea Aeronautică” (Aeronautics Virtue) Orders currently in use. Of great value are the “Ordinul Unirii” (Order of the Unification), created in 1864, the Orders of “Steaua României”, M. 1877 (The Star of Romania) and of “Coroana României”, M. 1881 (The Crown of Romania), the Collars of “Carol”, “Ferdinand”, “Serviciul Credincios” (Faithfull Service), “Casa Domnitoare” (Rulling House) Orders and, obviously, the latest one created for the Order of the Star of Romania. The collection also comprises orders and medals which belonged to the Romanian kings, queens and princes, as commanders of troops, as well as important military leaders such as Field Marshals Alexandru Averescu and Constantin Prezan, Generals Eremia Grigorescu, Nicolae Dăscălescu, Leonard Mociulschi and others.
Another consistent part is made up by foreign countries, where the former great empires standout such as the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, the Austrian Empire or the British Empire but also other European states, current or former, like France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia and others.