The Paintings Collection reunites works which complete the military historical phenomenon. It contains pieces that are part of the National Cultural Heritage such as the ones done by de Constantin Daniel Rosenthal, Constantin Lecca, George Demetrescu-Mirea, Ioan Negulici, Gheorghe Tattarescu, Sava Henţia, Nicolae Grigorescu, Camil Ressu, Ion Teodorescu Sion, etc. However, most of them are of military interest, belonging to artists which gave great interest in this matter like Tadeusz Ajdukiewicz and Dumitrescu Stoica.

The first works entered the museum’s collection at the beginning of the 1920’s from the War Ministry, the State’s Art Gallery and the General Headquarters of the Army.

After the fire from the summer of 1938 where some works were lost as well as the Second World War collection dispersal, a new enriching period came. Important donations were made from various public and military institutions and bodies of state: the City Hall, the “Simu” Museum, Military Territorial Clubs, he Military Academy, the Art Committee, foreign governments but also private people.

A significant part of the items that constitute this collection are of great artistic and historical importance and can constitute a national heritage fund such as the works of Anton Chladek, Carol Pop de Szathmari, George Demetrescu Mirea, Gheorghe Tattarescu, Ion Negulici, Mihail Lapatty and Nicolae Grigorescu.