The collection is comprised up of items of a unique character, in the sense that they do not have a corresponding collection or they belonged to a certain individual. The items of this collection complete, in a most vivid manner, the exhibitions made on various occasions and themes and are highly requested in important cultural projects.
Following the age of the items themselves as well as the creation of the collection we may find: Medieval girdles, the gate of Nicopol Citadel from the War of 1877-1878, cups obtained on several military competitions, pieces that are directly linked to heroes fallen on the battlefield like the bullet that killed General Ioan Dragalina in 1916, furniture used by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, a cane that belonged to I. C. Brătianu, prime-minister during the War of 1877-1878, an M.1937 diplomatic uniform or objects used in space by the Romanian Cosmonaut Dumitru Prunariu.
Of great importance are the personal items foun on battle field, like the ones recovered from Mărăşeşti like tags, rings, crosses, watches and cutlery, or the ones which belonged to the fallen heroes of the 1989 Revolution.